Financial planning isn’t transactional. Just because something makes sense mathematically, doesn’t mean it’s the right decision for you.
At Meridian Wealth Management, we talk through every scenario you have in mind, so you can decide with confidence what makes sense for you financially, as well as personally.
We put all your goals and our recommendations in writing so you have a clear and concise plan of action.
Our financial planning services include a financial review and written analysis of some or all the following areas:
At Meridian Wealth Management, we view financial planning as a process, rather than a one-time thing. A plan is a road map, of sorts, not something you do once and rarely use or look back on.
Your circumstances, financial goals, resources, tax laws, and cash flow may change, and those changes need to be reflected in your financial plans.
We’ll schedule periodic reviews with you to check in on your progress and we’ll help hold you accountable for the actions you need to take to achieve your goals.